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Dangerous Foods: Betel Nut

Dangerous Foods: Betel Nut

Betel nut is a seed of the Areca catechu, a type of palm tree. It’s commonly chewed after being ground up or sliced and wrapped in leaves of the Piper betle vine that have been coated with lime. A habit passed down through generations, chewing betel nut is a time-honored custom for 10–20 percent of the world’s population.

Many people chew betel nut for the energy boost it produces. This is likely due to the nut’s natural alkaloids, which release adrenaline. It may also result in feelings of euphoria and well-being.

Research has revealed some serious health risks of betel nut. The WHO classifies betel nut as a carcinogen, cancer-causing food. Numerous studies have shown a convincing link between betel nut use and cancer of the mouth and esophagus.

One study in the Journal of the American Dental Association Trusted Source reports that betel nut users are at a higher risk for oral submucous fibrosis, a type of chronic disease in the oral cavity. This incurable condition can cause stiffness in the mouth and eventually the loss of jaw movement. Regular chewing of betel nut can also cause gum irritation and tooth decay. Teeth may become permanently stained deep red or even black.

Warden Woods Pharmacy, your number one trusted pharmacy in Toronto, Ontario, advises our clients to minimize – maybe even eliminate – the habit of chewing betel nuts.

Instead, consider taking something else for that extra energy boost. You can purchase absolutely anything from our medical supply store in Toronto. It’s better to be safe now than sorry later.

For more information about our services, including online prescription refills, you may call us here.

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